Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekly Post


Briefly, this article translates into an entrepreneur in the Matam region of Senegal who is starting an animal feed production company in order to have readily available feed for local farmers and encourage other citizens and farmers to move to this area and invest in local companies. The entrepreneur, Ibrahima Sow, has been encouraging local farmers to grow corn so he can support his business. Sow explains, "I created this company in order to encourage my brothers in the Diaspora who have more money than me to come and invest in the Matam region and help it's people live better." As part of its social policy, the company has given one million two hundred thousand CFA to a local health center to help pay for pharmaceuticals. Within the article, Sow mentions the setback of poor roads in the area.

This company is an example of the strive to create a stronger local economy in Senegal, and applies to Central Place theory. Sow and the company encourage people not only to invest in the company, but to move to the area. The company, just one year old, has 25 employees, but also stimulates the local economy by buying corn and other produce from local farmers. Donating to the local health center improves its' conditions and a sanitary and well-supplied hospital could be incentive for people to move to the Matam region. If the company grows and employs more, it will have a ripple effect on the economy and stimulate population growth in the region. This could also be an incentive for the local government to invest in road construction which will both employ people and encourage further growth to the area. The company will produce feed for poultry, which is also a somewhat large market in the area, and the farmers and the company will be mutually beneficial.

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